
Monday 2 May 2016

Evaluation 3

After finishing my products I needed to gather my target audience feedback for both my short film and my ancillary products. I selected a group of 5 men and 5 women set at our target age of 15+ to help us establish which gender our film has the most appeal to, whilst also finding out if our film appealed to our target audience. I selectively chose the 10 people and communicated with them via social network. I showed them our film and then asked them a series of particular questions and recorded the results on Infogram, an online site which enables to me present information in a more unique and aesthetic way. We asked the following questions
:1. Did you enjoy the film?
2. Did you find the narrative easy to follow?
3. Did you enjoy our range of special effects?
4. Were you shocked by the plot twist?
5. Do you feel our film could of been longer/shorter?
6. Did you enjoy our title sequence?
7. Did you enjoy our sound tracks?

This graph shows that an overwhelming majority of people enjoyed our film. This also shows there is a slight increase of men enjoying our film then women, although this is only one person so it can't be considered as a fact.

This received a more mixed results with more men having a overall better understanding of the storyline, although i'm unsure of why this is the case, perhaps it's just due to the personality of the males I chose. However more than 2/3rds of people understood the narrative, not a vast majority so perhaps it's clear that more work is needed to make our narrative more understandable.

All of our target audience enjoyed out special effects, this truly shows that the special effects we used are compelling and iconic and meet our target audiences standards.

The results for this were quite negative. it appears the majority of people either were only partially shocked by the plot twist or not at all. In terms of gender males were more shocked by the plot twist. This could be because they did not fully understand the plot twist and maybe we need to highlight it more in the narrative.

The clear results of this poll is that the length of our film is just right, with only a minority suggesting otherwise. This minority for whatever reason comprises mainly of men.

It's clear by the results that our title sequence is good by our target audience's standards. Since it was chosen by our target audience this isn't too surprising. 

A vast majority of people enjoyed our sound tracks. However the reasonable portion of people who said otherwise suggests perhaps a bit of tweaking is required to get our sound tracks up to the highest standard possible. In terms of gender it was fairly balanced with 1 more female not enjoying the soundtrack compared to men.

This next set of results is in regards to our ancillary products. Using the same software I used to present my previous results I asked 2 different sets of questions for my poster and magazines.
Poster questions:

1.Is this poster aesthetically pleasing?
2.Does it include too much or too little information?
3.Would this attract you to watch our film?
4.Do you like the colour styling?

Magazine questions;

1.Do you like the layout?
2.Is there too much or too little information?
3.Would this attract you to watch our film?
4.Do you like the imagery?

The results of my poster questionnaire is positive overall. Only a minor amount of negative feedback that doesn't effect the overall result. My target audience clearly enjoyed my final poster. However the feedback for my magazine was overwhelmingly negative. Very few people liked the layout and very few said it would attract them to watch the film and many stated that it has too little information on it. With this feedback it's clear that my poster is the main product to concentrate on.

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