
Sunday 24 April 2016

Evaluation Question 2

For this project we created 3 products, our main 5 minute short film, a set of double page spread film reviews and a set of posters. We created a short 5 minute Sci-fi/thriller film with the theme of time travel, we created 2 ancillary products that were based around the themes, layout, mise-en-scene and colour scheme of our film.

The first ancillary product I created was this poster. Poster's are one of the most popular examples of heritage marketing and are one of the most common examples of push advertising. Posters are often used in a variety of ways:
-Being handed out as promotions
-Being presented on billboards 
-Being featured in magazines
-Displayed in cinemas
-Sold as decoration
For a film poster to be effective it has to contain elements of the film its advertising, contain useful information and be visually appealing. In terms of our film poster we have considered all these key points and incorporated important elements from our film. Firstly we incorporated the title of our film displayed in our unique typography on our poster.

This typography and it's colour scheme are unique to our film. It is easily recognizable and identifiable to our target audience.The title on the poster is presented in a similar way to how it is in our film, in a dark background, in our colour scheme and with elements of our special effects presented within it.
The next key aspect of our poster that creates synergy between our film and the poster is our main protagonists face. Our protagonist's face is a key element of our film, her emotions, her thoughts and her actions are a key element of our film, so within our film we include numerous close ups, extreme close ups of her face, this makes it an icon of our film and makes her identifiable to our audience.
  The other key element of our film that we incorporated into our poster was a unique part of our special effects. The special effects used in our film are by far the most exciting and unique selling point our film has to offer, in particular our time travelling effects of our protagonist. We have incorporated this unique time travelling effect that is used all throughout our film in our poster as it is recognizable to our audience and is and also makes the poster more visually spectacular.


The other ancillary product we produced was our 2 page magazine review. This included the same elements we incorporated into our poster, the special effects, our unique typography and our protagonist, all the things we used to create synergy with our short film. With out magazine we included a few more elements that link to our film.

We did feature was our character's costume. Now this has an interesting effect when combined with our visual effects that have been added with the edited image, it creates a firm juxtaposition between the casual, rather normal clothing of our protagonist and the mystifying unknown of the electric looking cloud of scientific looking smoke emitting around her. As I explained in my last evaluation question, it is more conventional in a time travel themed film for the protagonist to be dressed more casually often in a fashionable "In the times" outfit. This is definitely the case with the outfit our protagonist is wearing in this image.

Within the magazine I included this sceenshot from our film. This gives the reader a glimpse into the film. The image is ambiguous and doesn't reveal too much of the plot, this gives the audience a thirst to know more about the film and may encourage them to watch it.  

One small detail we included that directly links to our film is this tagline.
The tagline "issues in time" directly links into both the title of our film and the narrative. Our title "Tempore Exitus" translates in Latin as "Time Issues". Also our film is revolved around the idea of trying to fix problems in the past through time travel, so including this phrase links it directly to our film and our genre theme.

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